Wesley Chapel, built in the Gothic Style. Structure later
used by Cedar Mill Community Church. (1949 photo by Carl Bruichert,
The people of Cedar Mill were as eager to support churches as public
schools. In this desire they were typical of the rural Americans
of the nineteenth century. The school and the church were the most
important institutions of the pioneers' cultural life.
Protestant denominations were the first organized religions to
reach the Tualatin Valley, including Cedar Mill. By 1858, the Methodists
were active in the area, holding their quarterly East Tualatin Circuit
Conference meetings at Union School. The building was later used
by Father W. A. Verboort who conducted Catholic services in Cedar
Mill in 1875. Several later churches were the German Congregational
Church, thought to have been established in 1887, and more recently,
the Cedar Mill Bible Church formed in 1941.
land claim owner and Methodist minister, William Cornell in
1887. (Courtesy Willamette University)
William Cornell was probably the first licensed preacher to reside
in the vicinity. Cornell arrived in 1852 and took up a donation
land claim along the road that bears his name, just east of what
became the Multnomah County line. Methodist Episcopal quarterly
conference records indicate Cornell was a "Sabbath School" teacher
at Union School in 1858. It is not known when he became an ordained
minister, but the records reveal his license to preach was renewed
in 1860.
[Much more information in the